Awray of Sunshine, LLC


Take Back Your Time as a Busy Mom

April 13, 2023

It’s no secret that being a mom is tough. Between juggling work, kids, home responsibilities and social life, it can be hard to find time for yourself—let alone for cooking. But I’m here to tell you that there’s hope! There are plenty of ways to make life easier as a busy mom in the kitchen […]

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It’s no secret that being a mom is tough. Between juggling work, kids, home responsibilities and social life, it can be hard to find time for yourself—let alone for cooking. But I’m here to tell you that there’s hope! There are plenty of ways to make life easier as a busy mom in the kitchen (and elsewhere) without sacrificing your sanity or resorting to takeout every night. In this post I’ll share some of my favorite time-saving tips for busy moms who want do what they can to make their lives easier on an everyday basis.

Bulk Cook

Bulk cooking is a great way to save time and money. It’s also a great way to use up leftovers, which can help you avoid food waste. In fact, there are a few different ways that you can bulk cook at home:

  • Slow cookers or rice cookers–these devices allow you to prepare large quantities of food without having to babysit them while they’re cooking. Just throw everything in the pot or cooker on low heat, walk away and come back later!
  • Pressure cookers–pressure cooking uses steam pressure instead of boiling water as its source of heat (like regular pots). This allows foods such as meats or beans that take forever in conventional methods like boiling over high heat for hours on end but only minutes under high pressure conditions due to their higher density being able to cook faster than normal!

Plan out your weekly menu in advance

Planning your weekly menu in advance can help you save money and time. By planning ahead, you’ll know what to buy at the grocery store, which will save time when it comes to shopping. You won’t have to make last-minute decisions about what meal to make for dinner or whether or not you should go out for lunch with a friend or coworker. Plus, it’ll give us more time with our family!

There are lots of benefits from having a meal plan in place:

Meal prep in bulk for the week

You might be surprised how much time you can save by preparing meals in advance. By making a list of what you need, and then making sure that you have enough containers and freezer space to store it all, meal prep becomes easy!

When choosing which foods to prepare in advance, here are some tips:

  • Choose recipes that don’t require too much preparation time. You’ll want to focus on getting through these steps quickly so that when it comes time for dinner later, all that’s left is heating up your food and eating!
  • Try cooking multiple batches at once (like making four batches of spaghetti sauce instead of just one). This way there will be no need for extra trips back into the kitchen later on during the week–just grab some Tupperware containers from under the sink!

Make a meal that you know your family loves and eat it over and over again until you get sick of it

Make a meal that you know your family loves and eat it over and over again until you get sick of it.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying new recipes or cooking what your family doesn’t like, but this can be time-consuming and expensive. Instead, make one dish that everyone likes and stick with it for a few weeks until everyone gets tired of eating the same thing. This will save you time so that when dinner rolls around, all you have to do is put some food on plates–no fussing with complicated recipes or making last-minute grocery store runs!

Find a new recipe, make one portion and freeze it for another day

Find a new recipe, make one portion and freeze it for another day.

If you’ve found a meal that your family loves, but it has too many ingredients or takes forever to make, try making just one portion of it at a time. That way you can eat it over and over again until you get sick of it.

Have breakfast ready to go when you wake up in the morning by making overnight oats or something similar. It will be ready to grab and go.

Overnight oats are a great way to start the day. They’re easy to make and you can make them in advance, so you don’t have to worry about rushing around in the morning. Overnight oats are made by soaking rolled oats with milk or yogurt overnight, then adding fruit or other ingredients in the morning. It’s a good source of fibre and protein which will keep you feeling fuller longer.

The best part? You can customize your breakfast with whatever flavors suit your taste buds–or even add some extra nutrition into the mix! Some ideas for adding extra goodness include berries (which are full of antioxidants), peanut butter (a good source of monounsaturated fat) coconut oil (an anti-inflammatory food) chia seeds (full of omega-3 fatty acids).

Instead of doing laundry every day, wait until you have a big load, then do all the laundry at once.

If you have a large load of laundry to do, then do it all at once. This will save time and money by reducing the number of trips to the laundromat or washateria.

Laundry detergent designed for large loads can be found in most grocery stores and online.

Always wash clothes in cold water using a detergent made specifically for large loads (this will also save money on your energy bill). If possible, use an energy efficient front load washer that uses less water than traditional top loaders because they don’t need as much agitation during the wash cycle–which means less energy used!


I know that you’re busy and it can be hard to find time for yourself. These tips should help you save some time so that you can relax and enjoy life a little more!

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