Did you know there are 7 types of boundaries?
- Mental
- Emotional
- Material
- Internal
- Conversational
- Physical
- Time
It’s so important to set boundaries in our lives – both with others and with ourselves.
Here are 4 key reasons why:
Reason #1
Boundaries help us to stay in control of our lives.
If we don’t set any boundaries, we can end up feeling like we’re constantly being pushed and pulled in different directions. We might start to feel like we’re not really in control of our own lives. But when we set boundaries, we’re taking control back. We’re saying, “This is what I’m comfortable with and this is what I’m not comfortable with.”
Reason #2
Boundaries help us to stay healthy – both physically and emotionally.
When we have healthy boundaries, we’re less likely to let other people’s words and actions hurt us. We’re also more likely to take care of ourselves, both physically and emotionally. We’re less likely to agree to things that we really don’t want to do, and we’re more likely to take care of ourselves when we’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
Reason #3
Boundaries help us to build healthier relationships.
Healthy relationships are built on trust, respect, and honesty. And all of those things require boundaries. When we set boundaries, we’re saying, “I trust you enough to tell you what I need and I respect you enough to expect that you’ll listen.” Honesty is also key in any relationship – and that means being honest about our boundaries. If we’re not honest about what we need, we can’t expect others to respect our boundaries.
Reason #4
Boundaries help us to live more authentic lives.
If we don’t set any boundaries, we can end up living someone else’s version of our life. We might do things that we don’t really want to do, or we might pretend to be someone we’re not. But when we set boundaries, we’re saying, “This is who I am and this is what I want.” We’re being more authentic, and that can lead to a much more fulfilling life.
As you know I love a good read and so below is a book on boundaries that I highly recommend.

To buy the book click the link below.
Below is a resource that explains the 7 different types of boundaries.
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Sending you sunshine
Sharlis Awray
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